New technology and internet companies are quickly taking the place of everyday services. Hotels, taxis, and car dealers have to compete with sites such as Airbnb and Uber. Can real estate agents also be replaced by the latest app or website? Does the internet make it easy enough to sell and buy a home without representation? Not necessarily. In fact, trying to go it alone can cost you a lot of money and add unnecessary work and stress to your real estate transaction. Here are reasons why you should still work with a real estate agent.

Knowledge of the Area

A quick Google search may make you feel like you know all the real estate options in St. George, but this is never the case. New homes are going onsale all the time, and people who try to…

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A recent article in the New York Times argued it was time to refinance your mortgage since interest haven fallen to their lowest point in years.

“The average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 3.8 percent at the end of last week. That is down from 4.5 percent as recently as last spring, the lowest since May 2013 and far below the 5 percent-plus rates that prevailed as recently as early 2011.”

Is it a good time to refinance your mortgage? Is that always a good decision? Here are some things you need to know about refinancing your mortgage.

How Does Refinancing Work?

Refinancing your mortgage mean you effectively pay down your current mortgage and take out a new one with a new interest rate. As the New York Times article points…

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If it is your first time buying a home in St. George, one of your most important relationships is with your real estate agent. We want to make your house hunting experience a positive one, so we’ve provided some tips for working with a real estate agent. Use these to find the best house that’s right for you!

Be Honest

When you first begin working with a real estate agent, be honest about your expectations. Let them know what your priorities are and where you are willing to compromise. Be honest about your price range and let them know how flexible your budget is. The more information your real estate agent has, the more they can better serve you. If you don’t like a house or a listing, let them know. Be honest and be specific about what you…

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In our recent blog posts, we have discussed how St. George is growing and recovering from the economic recession. Better home prices and more qualified home buyers are good signs. News coming out of last week’s St. George city council meeting signals the potential for more growth as well.

New Plan at Mall Drive Bride

A plan was approved to develop commercial real estate around Mall Drive Bridge according to a recent article in The Spectrum.

“The St. George City Council approved a scaled-back request to change its general plan on Thursday to accommodate plans for commercial development along the south sides of the intersection of Mall Drive and 3000 East.” reported the Spectrum.

The original plan was to include 121 acres of land, but that…

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If you are involved in St. George’s business community, you can’t miss out on the different resources offered by Dixie Business Resource Center. Their different classes and opportunities are meant to help members of the business. Here are 4 reasons to check out Dixie State’s Small Business Resource center.

Business Classes

Dixie State University offers short-term classes on business technology, accounting and grad school prep. These classes are open to students as well as the public. In a recent interview with St. George News, Dr. Kyle Wells, the Dean of the Udvar-Hazy School of business said,  “Past graduates are getting jobs that require additional skills in information technology. We are responding with a few key courses with plans to expand…

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A recent article in The Spectrum reported that St. George real estate is continuing to improve after the recession. People who had to give up homes and leave the market are now in a position to purchase real estate again and get out of rental properties.

Rental Properties

After the housing bubble burst in 2015, many people lost their homes and moved into rental properties. Because St. George doesn’t have a lot of rental properties, a shortage in St. George has driven up the price of rent. This could change as bank regulations loosen and people become emotionally ready to purchase a home again. St. George hopes to see more purchasing and less renting in 2015.

St. George Demographic

The largest demographic group moving to St. George has…

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Studies and surveys are showing home buyers are willing to pay more for greener homes. One of the reasons is due to energy savings. Energy efficient appliances and insulation help homeowners save every month on energy costs. One of the other major factors is that green homes are healthier. Families are willing to pay more when the homes will be healthy investments for their children. Here are some ideas to make your home healthier when preparing to sell.

Remove Toxins

If your home is old, you can have it tested for harmful products such as lead and other harmful substances. Removing lead paint and reducing toxins in the home can make it healthier for you and future home buyers. This can help up the sales value as well, since homeowners won’t…

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As we end 2014 and begin a new year, it seems like a good time for real estate predictions. Home prices have been rising lately, but will they continue? Here are some expert predictions for the real estate market in 2015.

Easier for Home Buyers

Homes have recently become a great idea for real estate investors because prices have been rising so quickly lately. October showed some of the highest home prices since 2008. While home prices will continue to rise, the rate at which they grow will probably slow down. This will lead to less real estate investors showing interest and make room for more home buyers. Instead of a 6% growth, we are more likely to see a 3% growth, which could mean a buyers’ market next year.

Millennials Become Home Buyers

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A home inspection is an important part of any real estate transaction. Buyers should schedule home inspection to make sure there aren’t any unseen problems in a home. Sellers should enlist a home inspection so they can make any necessary repairs before placing the home on the market, therefore increasing your home’s value. Here are some things both parties should know about home inspections.

Home Inspectors Should Not Do Repairs

The American Society of Home Inspectors does not allow home inspectors to perform repair work. If your inspection turns up a problem with the home, you should hire a repair specialist. They will be able to give you the best possible service. Home inspectors may feel more inclined to find things “wrong” if they know they…

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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the biggest mortgage banks in the country. During the recession, the United State’s government backed the two banks with the understanding that Fannie and Freddie would tighten up on regulations, which was discussed in a recent blog post. Since things are getting better, these tightened regulations may be loosening up.

Down Payment Changes

One of the changes to this plan includes giving home loans with a lower down payment. Recently, banks have only been allowed to offer loans to people who could pay at least 5% down payment. Oftentimes, individual banks required that percentage be closer to 20%. Now, two new programs will offer loans with a lower 3% down payment requirement. Fannie’s program is called My…

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