School boundaries are major factor in home-buying decision, survey finds

As kids begin to go back to school, a new survey is out that suggests location to schools is a major factor in people's home-buying experience.  The survey done by states three out of five home buyers say school boundaries will affect where they purchase a home.  According to, almost 60% of home buyers would go over budget anywhere from 1% to 20% to obtain a home in their desired school boundaries while just over 40% would not.

For those home buyers that said school boundaries will affect where they purchase a home over 90% stated it was importantÂť to somewhat important.  Those same home buyers are also willing to give up several amenities to live in the…

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St George, Utah, with its red rock deserts, sandstone canyonsIn addition to the old adage, "Location, location, location," most real estate investing tips boil down to one common theme. Buy low, and sell high. Buying foreclosed homes is a great way to do just that. And by buying foreclosed homes in beautiful St George, Utah, with its red rock deserts, sandstone canyons, and excellent golf courses, you can effectively cover all the core tenets of real estate purchasing in one fell swoop.

A foreclosure is when the holder of a property lien is forced to terminate the lien before the expected date, most often due to a failure to make payments by the borrower. This action makes it possible for the lien holder to then place the property back on the market, with the intention of recouping whatever losses they may have…

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Washington County Real Estate Market

Washington County's real estate market, which fell apart in 2006 after an extraordinary run that attracted national attention, is struggling back to health.

An increase in sales of existing single-family homes has been fueled by a revived Utah economy and record low interest rates.  Foreclosed and short-sale properties are almost non-existent.  New construction of homes is on the rise as well.

"In Washington County, we have probably only 20 bank-owned properties left.  A lot of people are no longer upside down [in their mortgages].  The biggest problem we have in our market today is getting enough properties to sell," said Ryan Andersen, an agent at ERA Brokers Consolidated in St. George.

Homes priced under…

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Luxury Homes in Beautiful St GeorgeFinding the right home depends on a lot of different factors. Some, like price range or proximity to a certain area, can be assigned a straight number value. Other factors, however, are not so easily quantified. How does the floor plan make you feel? What does the neighborhood sound like? Does the view out your windows inspire you? To find these answers, you need to do more than just plug numbers into a search program... you need to look at a lot of houses.

The variety of real estate available in St George gives you a better chance of finding that perfect home. Offering some of the finest luxury homes in Utah, St George real estate boasts everything from breath taking natural views of the red rock cliffs and Zion National Park, to nationally recognized golf…

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