Found 2 blog entries tagged as water.

I was driving to Gunlock Reservoir the other day in my swimsuit, ready to relax in the sun and to picnic by the reservoir when I saw a sign for Fire Lake Park, at Ivins Reservoir, on the side of the road near Kayenta.  I made a U-turn to investigate.  I found a wonderful surprise! 

I drove right up to a beautiful park with restrooms and a swimming area.  It was about 10:00 am and I was the only person there.  I walked around the swimming area to find a man-made spillway shooting water into the swimming area.  On the other side of the swimming area is beautiful Ivins Reservoir.

I found a place on the beach, put down my beach mat and enjoyed the park by myself for about a half an hour before several families came to enjoy the park with me.…

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Happy Earth Day! Since we live in a desert, one of our most precious natural resources is water. Take some time today to make some adjustments in your home to save some water. Here are some ideas to get you started.

1 Fix Leaks

A small leak in a faucet, bathtub or toilet can waste up to 20 gallons of water a day. That’s over 7,000 gallons of water a year! Check all your bathroom and kitchen appliances to fix any possible leaks. Also, pay attention to your water meter and bill. If you see a sudden spike in water use one month, it may be a good indication that there is a hidden leak somewhere in your home or yard.

2 Only Run Full Appliances

Only turn on your dishwasher or washing machine when they’re full. To save even more water, not to…

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