It was fun to explore the Virgin River Trail that follows the Virgin River valley through the city of St. George for Trail Tuesday this week. The point that we began exploring is referred to as the Man O' War Trailhead. The trail has great views of the river, the desert, homes, trees, flowers, rocks, rabbits, lizards and birds. A hawk flew by, landed several feet from us and then began calling out. We got up early to beat the heat and started our hike at about 7:30 am. There were several people biking this trail and a few of us on foot. We passed by the Bloomington Country Club where there were golfers practicing their swings. The trail near the golf range is covered with nets, so you feel very safe. There were a few places along the trail with benches. There were some drinking fountains, but I couldn’t find one that worked, so bring your own water.
You can see this trail from I-15 as you enter the Bloomington area. The trail used to be closed due to water damage to the trail, but it looked like the signs had been taken down and it was now open.
Difficulty Level: Easy (also wheelchair accessible)
Trip Length: As long or as short as you want it to be along fairly smooth asphalt. The trail end points are Man O’ War Road in Bloomington and East Riverside Drive in St. George. The trail length from the two endpoints is 7 miles.
Area: St. George along the Virgin River
Directions: From I-15 take Exit 4 onto Brigham Road and go to the traffic circle: exit on Pioneer Road and head 0.6 mile to right turn on Man O’ War Road. Continue another 0.7 mile to entrance. It is the first right after crossing the Virgin River. There is a large parking area and the trail is visible.
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